Graphs and Charts

Currently, we chose this topic since it is really relevant for our future higher studies. In addition, it gives better ideas for us on how we can manage our money. The main hypothesis of our survey is that “an International student should have a basic knowledge on handling their own finances by managing their earnings and expenses.” We used Google forms to create a questionnaire to collect information from International students. We received data from Sri Lankan students who are currently studying and living in the Australia now. 61.5% male students and 38.5% female students responded and most of students are aged between 18 to 25. From their responses, we can get a brief idea about International Student and Managing money.
Chart 1

Chart 2

Chart 3

The pie charts (Chart 1 and Chart 2) illustrate how the International Students living and studying in Australia found their part time job and whether they work every weekend. Chart 3 shows how many part-time jobs they have. Initially, 69.2% of them had found their part-time job from Internet and Social Media whereas 30.8% had found their part time jobs from friends. Next, chart 2 represents the percentage of the students who work every weekend. The majority of the students answered they work every weekend. 30.8% students answered they not work and 23.1% students answered they work sometimes in every weekend. Then, Chart 3 shows the majority of the students had one part time job and 38.5% had two part time jobs. The minority of students comment on they had 7.7% part time jobs.
Chart 4

This pie chart illustrates that age ranges of International students. It shows most of students are age between 18 to 25 about 69.2% and 23.1% students are age between 25 to 29 whereas least of students are age between 30 and over approximately 7.7%.
Chart 5

This pie chart demonstrates percentage of International student’s gender majority students are male and 38.5% of students are female. Most of male students are tend to choose international study.
Chart 6

Chart 7

This Chart 6 and Chart 7 show can they save money whether do they have problems in part jobs. Chart 1 illustrates percentage of students who can save money in addition to their expenses. The majority of students answered they can save money in addition their expenses and 30.8% students answered sometime they can save money whereas minority 15.4% of students answered they couldn’t save money in addition to their expenses. Next, Chart 2 shows the percentage of students who have problems in their part time jobs. Most of students state that they don’t have problems and 38.5% of students state that sometimes they have problems in their part time jobs. The special fact is any student didn’t answered that they have problems in their part time jobs.


  1. Quite an interesting analysis of the results and very comprehensive.
    You have clearly described the responses you received, alongside impressive charts.
    The introduction to the blog post is also quite informative. Job well done.

    However, some grammar mistakes are there and they should be avoided in the upcoming posts. Especially, the errors occur in word order.
    For instance: "This Chart 6 and Chart 7 show can they save money whether do they have problems in part jobs" should be corrected as "Chart 6 and Chart 7 show whether students can save money or not and whether they have problems in part-time jobs".

    Overall, good analysis!

    Keep it up.


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