Suggestions and Recommendation about the Survey Topic

Managing money is more significant for international students during study abroad since they have to pay attention to their financial background. In addition, money can be affected by student happiness and stress since they have to do all the things based on money.

We believe that managing money is increased by students. It is a valuable advantage for all international students. As a result, students responded that they found part time jobs through friends and social media/ internet. However, the majority of students state that they found the jobs with help of their friends. On one hand, it has a positive side because they can know further information through their friends. Then, they will be able to whether these part-time jobs are suitable for them. In addition, students tend to do more jobs to earn money for their expenses. According to these responses, most students do two part-time jobs since they don’t have sufficient time to spend time on more part-time jobs due to the fact that they have to pay special attention to their studies.

Secondly, we can deduce about the students’ savings because more noteworthy for all the students' future life. A lot of students commented that they can save money by their income. If they happen to face various types of expenses like food, tuition fees, vehicle expenses, house rental, etc. However, they manage all expenses well planned. Therefore, they can save money properly.

Finally,We can state that through the given percentages for the question if they can save money in addition to their expenses. Though there are prevailing challenges they face challenge of saving money, and most of the students are capable of saving money. So we can point out that it is a good remark of international students in order to save money on behalf of their expenses properly.


  1. A comprehensive blog post, which is cohesive and well-organized.
    Clearly, you have pointed out most of the important aspects that you found from your survey. Hope they will be useful to you as well as your readers.

    Some problems are there in the use of word choice. For instance, "We believe that managing money is increased by students" does not sound correct. In addition, word order issued occur in sentences like "Secondly, we can deduce about the students’ savings because more noteworthy for all the students' future life."

    However, you have conducted a wonderful project which clearly explored various insights of the given topic. Impressive Job!


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