
Suggestions and Recommendation about the Survey Topic

Managing money is more significant for international students during study abroad since they have to pay attention to their financial background. In addition, money can be affected by student happiness and stress since they have to do all the things based on money. We believe that managing money is increased by students. It is a valuable advantage for all international students. As a result, students responded that they found part time jobs through friends and social media/ internet. However, the majority of students state that they found the jobs with help of their friends. On one hand, it has a positive side because they can know further information through their friends. Then, they will be able to whether these part-time jobs are suitable for them. In addition, students tend to do more jobs to earn money for their expenses. According to these responses, most students do two part-time jobs since they don’t have sufficient time to spend time on more part-time jobs due to the f

The Summary of the Survey

Currently, we created this survey since it is really relevant for our future higher studies. In addition, it gives us better ideas on how we can manage our money. The main hypothesis of our survey is that “an International student should have a basic knowledge on tackling their own finances by managing their earnings and expenses.” We used Google Forms to create a questionnaire to collect information from International students. In this survey, we included two types of questions to get information which are: open-ended questions and close-ended questions. Nyland et al. (2009, p.1) states that “the international education market has generated a new workforce of some 300,000 international student-workers in Australia. Recent research has shown many of these workers experience severe financial problems and are consequently highly vulnerable to exploitation”. In our study too, we tried to explore this issue on financial problems. According to this survey, we found the results t

Graphs and Charts

Currently, we chose this topic since it is really relevant for our future higher studies. In addition, it gives better ideas for us on how we can manage our money. The main hypothesis of our survey is that “an International student should have a basic knowledge on handling their own finances by managing their earnings and expenses.” We used Google forms to create a questionnaire to collect information from International students. We received data from Sri Lankan students who are currently studying and living in the Australia now. 61.5% male students and 38.5% female students responded and most of students are aged between 18 to 25. From their responses, we can get a brief idea about International Student and Managing money. Chart 1 Chart 2 Chart 3 The pie charts (Chart 1 and Chart 2) illustrate how the International Students living and studying in Australia found their part time job and whether they work every weekend. Chart 3 shows how many part-time job

Survey Form


Rationale for the survey

The main focus of our survey is The International Student and Managing Money . Being an International student, the main aspect of studying abroad is managing finances. An International student should have a basic knowledge on handling their own finances by managing their expenses and earnings. In recent years, many students tend to go overseas countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand for their higher studies.But as we know managing finances considered as a significant factor which the students face in these countries. Hence, we decided to survey the International students about managing money. We choosed this topic for our survey, to ensure our future lifestyle in Australia as an International student. In addition, we wanted to findout whether the International students can cover their expenses like accommodations and course fees by doing a job in Australia. Furthermore, our expectation on this survey also includes the factors like availability of jobs, expenses per month and earn